Shop Holders Protest Against MCD for the Illegal Sealing of Local Shopping Complexes (LSC) in Delhi


TODAY EXPRESS NEWS /Ajay verma / Recently, the Market Association of Defence Colony, GK-1&2, South Extension, Hauz Khas and other places in Delhi protested against MCD for the illegal sealing of their shops. The protest was held at The India Habitat center, outside the office of the Monitoring Committee and the application was submitted to the officials regarding the issue.

Shop Holders claim that their commercial property was sealed illegally two years ago by MCD and they were not given any legal notice before the sealing. On this issue President of LSC, Rajesh Goyal stated,  ” We have come here to submit the application to the monitoring committee regarding illegal sealing of our commercial plots. We have paid the premium for our shops and we are authorized to run shops in commercial space allotted to us with the permission of the government.”
General Secretary, LSC, Vishal Ohri elaborated on the issue, ” We were not given any legal notice or verbal explanation before sealing the shops. I am here to ask for a legal justification for the same. I request MCD officials and Monitoring committee to take our issue seriously and let us run our shops which are sealed past two years.”