Team October Opts for Innovative Idea, celebrates film at a special October Feast


TODAY EXPRESS NEWS ( AJAY VERMA ) Team October bowls over people  across the country with its innovation n  warmth. Varun Dhawan and Banita Sandhu who will be seen playing hotel management students on their upcoming release took over Holiday Inn in Mumbai for a very special October Feast.

While we all know the luxury and comfort of the hotel, little do we know the fast paced busy lives of the hotel employee.
With October the actor did not just break the barrier but also  made sure to show what these employees actually do. Varun Dhawan along with Shoojit Sircar and Banita Sandhu went around different departments of the hotel to show the otherside of then hotel biz.
The actor gave a tour around the restaurant, kitchen, cleaning zone, procurement room, linen room, laundry, vegetable cutting room and staff canteen.
Not just that he even demonstrated all of the regular tasks in a hotel like cutting vegetables, mopping, washing dishes, identifying good vegetables, etc.
For the first time, a movie has attempted an event like this and it has been a extravagant time for everyone who was part of it!

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