Smash Mains from Civilsdaily achieves an impressive success rate of 80%


● The flagship program from the one of the leading student-centric platforms for UPSC saw a stupefying success rate of 80%

● 40 out of 50 students cleared one of the toughest exams in India with Civilsdaily’s pioneering tutoring approach

Today Express News / Report / Ajay Verma |06 May, 2022: Civilsdaily, a student-centric platform for UPSC preparation, has registered a stupefying success rate of 80% at the culmination of their one-of-a-kind, mentorship-driven program, the Smash Mains. Using the trailblazing tutelage from some of the most proficient mentors, 40 out of the 50 students who appeared for the mains cracked the exam with flying colors. The program’s novel approach also ensured that 28 students experienced success for the first time in the mains.

The enterprising ethos at Civilsdaily makes it an exclusive mentorship institute for UPSC preparation. The team believes that UPSC, by design, is an exam that should take just one attempt to crack. Any further attempt after that must be just to improve your rank. Many veteran students who appear for the mains miss the cut-off by small margins due to some primary processing errors on their part. The solution is to unlearn and update your perception of the UPSC process for preparation the Civilsdaily way.

The tailor-made program of Smash Mains has established itself as a one-stop solution for all UPSC veterans trying to crack the exam. Introductory calls from the mentors alongside the weekly Zoom strategy sessions augment doubt clarification and enable continuous improvement. An overarching evaluation after every test series would mean the students are always under the watchful eyes of the mentors with each stride being measured. Following a very integrated approach, the mentors help the aspirants gauge their preparation in a very purpose-built manner through the FCE strategy, where importance will be given to factual and conceptual methods of elimination.

Made-to-measure for meticulous mentorship and assiduous assessment, Smash Mains embeds a mindset alteration within the pursuants for proficiency in the exam, a process that precedes success. Adding exam aptitude with the Civilsdaily X-factor through consistent efforts by understanding questions, curating keywords, underlining pointers, using graphs, tables, and flowcharts helps the students get exam-ready. The comprehensive nitty-gritties of the UPSC are well understood by experienced mentors who lead the helm by assisting aspirants to entrench positive preparation, relevant research, and robust revision routines; the formula for achievers!

Speaking about the success after the culmination of the Smash Mains for 2022, XXXX spokesperson, Civilsdaily, said, “The Smash Mains are for veteran examinees who want to inject some dynamism into their approach for exam preparation. Our team of experts enables them with one-on-one mentoring, which allows them to thoroughly brush up on the fundamentals. Through the FCE technique, candidates may assess their preparation in a highly purpose-built manner. The significance of factual and conceptual techniques of elimination is emphasized in this methodology, which improves their test aptitude and preparation, driving them to victory.”