‘Raavan is in my blood my veins’ says Puneet Issar for his role in LuvKush Ramlila this year!


TODAY EXPRESS NEWS : A well known wicked villain of Bollywood and TV star Puneet Issar is all set to play his most favorite and challenging role of ‘Raavan’ for the world’s biggest Luvkush Ramlila this year, which is taking a head start from tomorrow.

   The actor who was witnessed in Bigg Boss season 8 and appreciated for his ‘Duriyodhan’ role in Mahabharata TV show, who have already performed and known for his character of Raavan for shows Raavan Ki Ramayan and many others will now excite us with his soulful performance in LuvKush Ramlila. His roles are always fun to watch and got a huge amount of applause whether it’s Duriyodhan or Parshuram in TV shows. The actor with the Calibur of playing such harsh roles is coming up with its favorite character. According to Puneet, Ravana is his dearest character and he’s very determined for this role. Though, he is always been appreciated for such kind of malicious role in the entertainment industry.

   About his role in this year’s LuvKush Ramlila, he added, “Ashok Aggarwal Ji (Chairman of Luvkush Ramlila) use to see my performance since last three years, he wanted me to be the part of his Ramlila, so finally this year I managed to perform for the same. And I am sure this year Ramlila will spread its magic in a bigger way. Ramlila is a big platform, and I am entirely dedicated to my role. Basically, it’s a feather to my cap and I dedicate my whole life for it.”

( टुडे एक्सप्रेस न्यूज़ के लिए अजय वर्मा की रिपोर्ट )

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